
So sorry for light blogging

Can you believe it? Things are about to return to normal for my schedule, but the last few weeks months have been hectic.

Not only have I not posted, but my subscriptions in Bloglines have gone mostly unread. I’ve only had time to comment on a select few blogs, and I feel completely out of touch. I let the Rocketboom fiasco come and go completely without comment, and that’s not like me at all!

Alas, I promise to return to full form in the coming days and weeks. In the meantime, all I can offer is some bonus links, one of which I found on digg. (Because I was being lazy and I needed something)

Bonus Link #1: Cool street art installations by Mark Jenkins. Way cool, and looks like a lot of work.

Bonus Link #2: Jason at Marketing is my Middle Name saw a CNBC anchor incorrectly quote movie statistics, citing Aquaman as the former-highest-opening-weekend-blockbuster, now eclipsed by Pirates II. This is funny, and it’s a major kudos to Entourage, which as I’ve said before is one of my favourite shows.



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