
Observations of a 30 year old

Well, today is the big day. The big “3-0,” as it were.

I don’t feel any older, but strangely I do feel much wiser. But maybe that’s just the grey hairs multiplying daily on my temples.

Anyway, the point of the post is not wax philosophic about reaching this much hyped but rather anti-climatic milestone. In fact, I just wanted to point out how easy technology has made it for people to keep in touch in this day and age.

Case in point: I had five emails saying happy birthday waiting in my inbox this morning before I even rolled out of bed (It is a bit harder now that I’m older, after all) and they’re still rolling in. That’s not counting the dozen or so well-wishes from friends on Myspace, or the auto-responders from all of the various online groups I belong to (The BMW forums saw fit to wish me a happy one, for instance, and the birthday reminder calendar I subscribed to wouldn’t make the mistake of letting today come and go without a form-letter of acknowledgement).

So I guess my point is, if total strangers are capable of using some simple technology to wish me a happy birthday, (and I appreciate it, I really do) then how are YOU leveraging technology to stay in touch with your customers?

Feel free to leave me a happy birthday message in the comments. It make the whole impact of getting older that much easier to take.



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5 Responses to “Observations of a 30 year old”

  1. CategoriesMack Collier says:

    Happy Birthday! Crap I need to check my MySpace page as much as you do, else I might have known this already 😉 Congrats!

  2. CategoriesJordan says:

    Cheers, Mack :)

  3. CategoriesMasey says:

    Happy Birthday you old fart! Back in a week… see you then!!!

  4. Categoriesspery says:

    buon compleanno 😉

  5. CategoriesJ.D. Matthews says:

    I get to experience this in a few months. Thirty. Wow. I thought I’d be a lot more mature than this by now.

    Anyway, cumpleanos feliz! :)