
Archive for December, 2006

5 Things You Didn't Know About Me

Sunday, December 10th, 2006

Tag! I’m it.

Ben Yoskovitz shared his five things that the blogging community doesn’t know about him, and has chosen me as one of five people to continue to spread the meme. So here goes:

1. I can read Korean (phonetically, at least), even though I have no idea what I’m saying out loud most of the time. Try it for yourself; it only takes about three hours or so to learn.

2. I have a healthy dose of Acadian (Merci, Grandpa Arsenault) mixed in with my Irish and English heritage, mais mon francais n’est pas bon.

3. After college, I spent an entire calendar year as a bike courier in Victoria. Having my bike stolen from outside my friend Erik’s pizza shop was the beginning of the end of that memorable time for me, and was the wake up call I needed to start growing up.

4. My first name is actually Patrick, inherited from my father and his father before him and his father before him. And all of us first born sons, all with middle names starting with “J.” If you’re keeping track, that would make me Patrick Jordan Behan, and Patrick J. Behan IV.

5. Although I did play rep hockey up until Bantam, due to a late-blooming ability to skate well enough and a complete lack of “hands,” I had a much more successful career as a referee (even appearing in the stripes as a linesman for a game of Junior “A”) than I ever did as a player. Ask anyone who ever played hockey with me, and you won’t get much of a dispute on this point.

So there you are, five things that you didn’t know about me before that I am comfortable sharing with the ‘internets.’

Now, I want to find out five things about:

Jeremy Latham
Nathaniel Steven Henry Brown
James Sherrett
Linda Bustos (a hip noob)
Kris Krug

Social Media Club Vancouver Launches

Saturday, December 9th, 2006

Last night, I was at the Bryght offices in Gastown for the inaugural meeting of the Social Media Club (Vancouver edition).

social media club
Photo by Roland.

Great crowd, great conversation and an agreement to meet again soon. Chris Heuer made the trip up from San Francisco to evangelize the idea, and I got the feeling that most of us felt it was the kind of club we’d like to belong to. I for one am ready for a bit of infrastructure to help spread the word about online social tools (there is life beyond Myspace, world) and clear up a lot of misconceptions about information sharing online. Read a proper report by an Actual-News-Guy-turned-citizen-journalist, over at NowPublic.

I’m looking forward to getting together as a group again, and if the next event attracts the same kind of turnout and lively conversation, then membership will follow soon after I’m sure.

social media club logo

For more, check out: Flickr, Roland’s blog for a video, and anything tagged “smc vancouver

Grouse Mountain Free Day

Thursday, December 7th, 2006

As reported by Ianiv of the Blogaholics, Grouse Mountain was giving away free lift passes yesterday, in exchange for a minimum donation of $2 for North Shore Family Services or canned goods for the Harvest Project.

My brother Wes, Rob and I all went up in the afternoon, and spent a few hours discovering Grouse Mountain for the first time, and getting some great runs in. A great time was had by all; it was sunny and warm and even though it was incredibly busy, the whole hill was full of happy people. I was most impressed by the view of Vancouver from the top:

grouse mountain

Photo by Rob Masefield