
Grouse Mountain Free Day

As reported by Ianiv of the Blogaholics, Grouse Mountain was giving away free lift passes yesterday, in exchange for a minimum donation of $2 for North Shore Family Services or canned goods for the Harvest Project.

My brother Wes, Rob and I all went up in the afternoon, and spent a few hours discovering Grouse Mountain for the first time, and getting some great runs in. A great time was had by all; it was sunny and warm and even though it was incredibly busy, the whole hill was full of happy people. I was most impressed by the view of Vancouver from the top:

grouse mountain

Photo by Rob Masefield



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2 Responses to “Grouse Mountain Free Day”

  1. CategoriesMasey says:

    Well actually the photo ain’t technically “by me” this time. We have to thank the “foreign fella” who kindly took care of that for us!

  2. CategoriesAlex Lee Behan says:

    Thank you “foreign fella” for taking such a beauty shot. You guys look soooo handsome. Makes me wish I was a skiier…

    I’ll stick to being a ski bunny.
    Mrs. Behan