
Countdown to BarCamp Earth

Just one sleep until BarCamp Vancouver. (The Barbecue part at Bryght, anyway) Should be an action packed weekend, and there are 120 Vancouverites attending. Not all will get a chance to present, so I expect to contribute by asking lots of questions and finally doing my first live-blog.

Watch for that, should be fun!



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2 Responses to “Countdown to BarCamp Earth”

  1. CategoriesMack Collier says:

    Good deal, who is speaking and why aren’t you and Ryan? 😉

  2. CategoriesJordan says:

    Oh I’ll probably chime in plenty. I’m not sure if Ryan is signed up. That guy is all over the map with his fancy job and all. You know he’s played almost 40 rounds of golf already this year? He’s putting a mean game together, too.

    Here’s the line-up: