
That Reminds Me…

Of a quote I once heard. Canadian TV guru Mozes Znaimer once said, “The best TV tells ME what happened to ME today.”

When I read this post from Howard over at Future Now Inc., I thought of that. Howard points out a quote from Sean Carton, originally posted at ClickZ, on the subject of online video:

“The real story about the rise of online video isn’t about the fact consumers seem to really like to watch short low-res video clips on their computers. Nope. The real story is that consumers are starting to take control of their media, and they really seem to like it. Control, not video, will have huge implications for advertisers, publishers, and marketers in the future.

Welcome to the on-demand future. Prepare for major disruptions.

The on-demand future isn’t about just video; it’s about all media. The signs are all around us: podcasts changing the way consumers listen to audio, social news sites (e.g., digg) changing the way people get information, the number of automated aggregator sites (such as GoogleNews and increasing. Paradigms about how media are created and published are radically changing.”

Some people find this stuff scary. I love it. But then, as the owner of a new media marketing company, I’m a little biased.



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One Response to “That Reminds Me…”

  1. CategoriesJ.D. says:

    The only people who are afraid of the new market are the old dinosaurs who are horrified that their stranglehold on everything will be taken over by young upstarts like yourself and whom are concerned that they now have to let go of their archaic methods and *gasp* think outside the box.