
Sure is good to be home

Well, here we are at our new home, at the new-and-improved The site was designed by the incredibly talented Rob Masefield, Web Developer, Designer and Photographer.

We were looking for a very distinctive “Web 2.0” look and feel, and Rob has done a fine job of conveying that image, if I do say so myself. Perhaps the best part about the new site is that it is loaded with options. For instance, RSS pros will notice that each post (at its individual url) has icons for almost any program that you use; making subscription, trackbacks, digging, monitoring comments (and a bunch of stuff I don’t even understand) all possible with the click of a button.

I must ask a favor however; as the Designer himself has departed on a tour of our fine country, it would be great if you could leave a quick comment about the new digs; so I can verify the feed has switched over properly (subscribers, this means you) and that comments are indeed working.

If it all works out, I will respond quite excitedly in the comments myself.
Cheers, all. Hope you like the new-look Tell Ten Friends!

Update: The urls of the pages on the site are still defaulting to the test server. I’m trying to work it out.



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12 Responses to “Sure is good to be home”

  1. CategoriesBid says:

    Looks great, Jordan. Good luck with it all.

  2. CategoriesJordan says:

    Cheers, Bid.

  3. CategoriesMasey says:

    Haha! Muzzy was first on the ball! Love it! Love ya Muzzy!!

  4. CategoriesMack Collier says:

    Looks great, thanks for reminding me just how sucky the Blogger templates are ;(

  5. CategoriesAndrea Weckerle says:

    Manually reentered your feed, so it all works. Nice, clean design. Maybe you can convince Mack to redo his look, although I think he’s done pretty well with the templates.

  6. CategoriesJ.D. says:

    Nice digs!

  7. CategoriesMack Collier says:

    Andrea if it didn’t mean losing my Technorati links and resetting my Alexa stats, I would have left Blogger by now. David Armano has given me some good tips, and if I can figure it out, I am going to add a horizontal menu and a better header. That should work wonders.

    I didn’t think Jordan’s ‘old’ look was that bad, but this definitely looks cleaner.

  8. CategoriesBen Yoskovitz says:

    Nice job Jordan (and Rob). It’ll be interesting to see if you can pinpoint any positive results of changing/updating the look.

    This is definitely a cleaner/slicker look on par with some of the design being done today.

  9. CategoriesRyan says:


    Great work on the new ‘Command HQ’

    It’s looking better than ever, and I see there’s some great new content. Nicely done mate.

  10. CategoriesJordan says:

    Thank you, all.

    I can’t stress enough though how instrumental Rob was in about 99.5% of the build. I’m amazed that he’s been able to bring to life the very same images that I had in my head.

    But here’s why he’s a designer and I’m not: Even in my imagination I couldn’t picture it looking this cool, and yet for him it’s just another day at the office.

  11. CategoriesJ.D. says:

    Mack, my Technorati stats have been inaccurate for a long time now. They’ve stayed the same for the past four months at least, while my traffic has ballooned 400 percent. Can’t be right. So if Technorati is holdin’ ya back, I say move on.

  12. CategoriesMack Collier says:

    Well see they like me JD, so they update my link count 😉 In fact in another month or so I’ll probably pass BMA for links.

    Blogger can be tweaked to be a decent setup. I just read on TechCrunch where a new service is coming that will bring Trackbacks to Blogger. About damned time.

    BTW Jordan I agree, Rob did a great job with TTF 2.0 😉