
Archive for December, 2006

The Blog Post As A Christmas Card

Thursday, December 21st, 2006

What was going to be a newsletter is now a hastily composed blog post. I have precious few hours before we travel home to spend a few days with family and way too many hors d’oeuvre. Yay!!

(Merry Christmas…by Flickr user Tio)

And so, I wish thee all a very Merry Christmas (that’s what celebrate in my family) and I will see you all again very soon.

Sidebar:: As a bonus link, I was looking through my sister’s copy of Vanity Fair, and I noticed an interesting ad for Target, which spanned several top 1/3 pages, featuring sheet music for Tony Bennett’s “I’ll be home for Christmas,” remixed by Moby. I thought that was pretty cool, then I went to download it at the link they gave: What was really neat was that you can download it as a GarageBand file (Macs only, snobs!) and remix it yourself.

David Blaine hanging in a box to promote Target = 1.0
Tony Bennett + Moby + UGC (User Generated Content) = 2.0

Again, enjoy your holidays everyone, and get wound up to honor those resolutions come January one!

Jordan and Alex

Roland Tanglao Nails It

Thursday, December 21st, 2006

Roland is in the middle of an interesting SEO/content management debate, and I have to say I agree with him:

Yes, a static website is much better than no website. But with modern blogging software like WordPress and content management systems like Drupal, Joomla, Plone it’s easy to setup static pages as well as blogs and you then get all the advantages of blogs (ease of editing, RSS which leads to higher search engine rank) and traditional static websites. This means you have a system where anybody can update the content without needing a webmaster or FTP which means the site is more likely to be up to date unlike most static websites.

(self portrait by Roland)

He continues..

Technical people and web designers who recommend to clients to use static pages with FTP, Front Page, Dreamweaver, etc. are doing their clients a disservice! It’s 2006 not 1999!

Better to use WordPress (even though I work for a Drupal company I’ll continue to plug WordPress for blogs and simple static sites; use Drupal if you want a comprehensive web presence including a true community site) and just use its static web pages features and make the blog part invisible) than to use some custom or hand coded static site.

I couldn’t agree more. Perhaps it would be too blatantly self-promotional to remind everyone that if you need a site built with WordPress…

Happy Birthday to Tell Ten Friends

Wednesday, December 20th, 2006

The blog turns 1-year-old this week, the company celebrates that same milestone this Spring.

As an early birthday and Christmas present, Rob has been making tweaks to the site again, to the back end as reported earlier and most noticeably, to the banner.

I love it. It’s Vancouver, it’s fun and it features a great photo by Rob himself, of False Creek and BC Place. The stadium which, sans inflatable roof, will be home of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympics in 2010. Great job, mate!

:: You know what else would be a great birthday present? Leave a comment behind, and maybe even let us all know when you started reading.