
Advertising that Makes a Difference

It’s been ages and ages since I linked to my wife, as she had taken a long break from posting, but recently she addressed an interesting issue on her blog, and it is tied to advertising. The Dove “real beauty” campaign came out with a new spot that sheds some light on the work involved in creating a billboard campaign for a beauty product, in a tv spot called “Evolution.”

The time-lapse effect is especially cool when it begins to show the various changes made in Photoshop. Watch it for yourself:



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2 Responses to “Advertising that Makes a Difference”

  1. CategoriesBid says:

    Cool! I use Dove – am I going to end up looking like that? Hmmm, somehow I think not.

  2. CategoriesJordan says:

    I think the point of it is…sure you can! With the help of great lighting, make-up and three stylists, a professional photographer, and most importantly plenty of Photoshop, even I can look just like her!

    In a pinch, your son Rob is certainly no stranger to the use of a camera or Photoshop, Bid.